Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hot + Shop

Its been a while. Just came back home from East Point, gotta break fast there. And wah, mum and I didnt get to find any seat for ourselfs. Oh well, tapau/bungkus/packed food and went back home. So here I am, after eating. Yes, im sleepy, a little I guess. This morning was whack cause had to go to school at 8.30am for Mother Tongue lesson cause our O Levels are nearing and prelims are around the corner. Gotta step up our game yknw. But me and Danial or Danny escaped MT lesson cause we had to go for this Teacher's Day celebration preparation. We had to teach the teachers how to beatbox. Wth. -.-
Kay lah, even if they have any difficulty just try to live with it. At least them teachers know the basics right. Hahaha. Okay next, I asked Danial whether he brought his clothes to go to Haji Lane. And he was like "Huh?! Today? I thought you say Monday?" Aiyo Danial I said today sia. But nonetheless, he went home and changed while I changed in school. Then asked Khalis to tag along since he was at the town area. We met at TOPSHOP. Hahahahaha. Cool or what sia? Meeting place: Topshop
Next, we walked around Bugis Street, I dont know why. Maybe cause we had no idea where to go. Going Haji Lane so early would be a bore. So yeah, walked around and we felt like going shopping. Oh and yesyes, going shopping with them, fun siolz. We walked around, kecoh-fied the atmosphere like nobody's business. And we got lost. But luckily got animal instincts. HAHA. We made our way to Haji Lane. There was a Flea Market going on there. So, we went there. I swear sungguh kecoh. Ramai. Panas. Khalis said it was like Bangkok + Australia. Right? Laid back + Hot. Fucking hot. And we saw this jacket. $15. Nice and cheap. But Danial couldnt make up his mind whether to buy or not. Kental bodoh. Hahahaha. Last last tak nak buy. He didnt buy it. Tsktsk.
Alright next, we went to Peninsula. I bought a LIME GREEN SHIRT. Amcm bby? Hahahaha. Danial bought a hat. I bargained, got the price. Danial bargained, got his price. Later, we mati-mati (die die) didnt want Danial to go dikir barat session. Leceh sia. Hahaha. We want to shopping lagi. Ohoh! and yea, I bought a necklace at a reasonable price. Whuuuuu! Okay dah. Oh oh, and yea! I miss (and with lotsa love) my Yaya! <3


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