Fasting ^^

OH OH OH AND YES ! Today, is the first time this year im fasting. Wooh-oooo.Texted bby at around 12.41pm yesterday then wanted to go Friday prayers. BUT! It was raining. So ape lagi?! We walked around Tampines Mall, Tampines 1 and Century Square. Who? Me and my friends lah kan. Hahaha. After that had this food fiesta at school as the teachers' form of thanking us for performing during the National Day Celebration. Got one big ayam, 2 nuggets, and fries. HAHAHA. FODD FIESTA KEPE YAZSAR?! Hahahaha. Okay then came to band around 4+ and made love with my trumpet. HAHA. No ler. But seriously I love my trumpet. Cuase I like the sound. But to have a better sound, I need to upgrade lah kan. Haha.Then after that me, Khalis and Dayana went to Macdonalds cause the girl had to break fast. Then bla bla bla, saw the NCC girls, then took 38, saw Yusri, kecoh in the bus, reached home, mengumpat (gossiped) with Khalis. Cause tomorrow, (which is today) we're fasting and we can't gossip, smoke, touch the opposite sex, eat, drink, sleep all day or not your fast would not be counted. So yezz, then still texted bby then slept. Then! I woke up around 4+am to eat. Cause today, IM FASTING! Woooh-ooo. And oh shit, I have to wait till 6+pm then can break fast. Okay someone, help me somehow so time flies by. FAST. Lincah lah beb. Hahaha.
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