I Want To Break Free .

At last .
I finally finished my exam last on 5 May. Like fuuuuuuhyoh. I thought of jumping after the tests, but the Biology paper really swithed my mood. Susah, nak mampus pun tak boleh. So Im supa free now, and I feel like touring the world. I feel like I wanna go back to the times I went to Genting Highlands with my bandees and go catch late night movies at Pavillion. So gereeeeeeek. Alright, for now, before the holidays, I jsut wanna lay back, go people watching and live life. Btw, I just realised that Im dying to buy thingsxzsxzs. Btw, did I tell you that Im super freee? And btw did I tell you I wanna buy thingsxzsxzsxzs? Oh ya. I did. Hehehehehehe.
I was actually planning to go for Impromptu, a local hip-hop event just after the exams. But sadly, I was lazy and seriously I dont find much local supporters at the East of SG. Don't know about the West lah. Aight, I wanna switch this thang off. Vlog soon.
Freedom and Peace.
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